Factors Affecting the Residential Location Choice near Urban Rail Station in CBD Area: A Case Study of Transit-Supportive Real Estate Development in Bangkok
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This research aims to understand the factors affecting residential selection near urban rail stations and within 1 km. from CBD area. In this area, both land and property prices continue to grow higher. The effect of job-housing unbalance does not benefit the growth of economic development within the compact cities around the stations as mentioned in the concept of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). This research requires that any real estate developers understand the characteristics of current station-area residents in order to develop the residential projects which meet the users’ demands. As for the urban planners, they will then also understand the problem of urban planning, especially realizing the lack of developing affordable housing near urban rail stations. In this research, the data collection is done by questionnaire with 427 residents near station within 1 km. The research results can conclude the characteristics of station-area residents in CBD and Non-CBD areas, and the factors influencing residential selections in the area near rail stations in CBD by using binary logistic regression model. It has been found that marital status, age, income, work place location and travel behavior are the factors which affect the residents to move near station areas within Bangkok’s CBD area.
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