Communication for Climate Change Adaptation in Thailand
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This research aims to analyze and synthesize the body of knowledge, including to seek the conceptual framework and to propose the appropriate communication strategies for climate adaptation among Thai society. The data collection employed qualitative methods: documentary research, in-depth interview and non-participatory observation. The key findings showed that the conceptual framework for communicating climate adaptation in Thailand was the problem-solution framework consisting of 9 steps: 1) identify communication issue/topic; 2) identify related information; 3) identify target audiences; 4) consult with stakeholders; 5) assess communication practices; 6) devise communication; 7) implement communication; 8) monitor the communication results; and 9) assess the communication results. The key communicators should understand the ways of living of local people and have experiences in community development. The initial messages of communication should be familiar with the local people and link with their daily activities. Various types of the communication channel can be utilized and in line with the local communication contexts in order to enhance mutual feelings of information ownership and realization of the benefits. The communication adaptation processes should be consultative to promote mutual understanding of risk, adaptation goals and adaptation options and pay attention to local participation.
Article Details
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