Determinants of Dividend Payment: Evidence from the Stock Exchange of Thailand
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The present study was to verify the determinants of dividend payment in listed firms in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). The 17-year panel data were from the year 2000 to 2016. There were 493 of Thai listed companies revealing a total of 6,126 firm-year observations. The dividend payment was measured by dividend yield and dividend payouts using multiple regressions analysis. The Panel OLS results found that firm profitability, firm size, cash flow from operation, dividend payment and dividend yield had a positively significant effect to future dividend yield. However, financial leverage, and market value to book value had a negatively significant effect to future dividend yield. For the determinants of dividend payouts, firm profitability, firm size, and dividend payment revealed positively significant effect to future dividend payouts, but financial leverage had a negatively significant effect to future dividend payouts.
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