Innovation and Creativity in Community-Based Tourism Management

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พรพิมล ขำเพชร [Pronpimon Kampetch]
รุ่งรวี จิตภักดี [Rungrawee Jitpakdee]


This research not only focused on the meaning, importance and creativity of community - based tourism but also the successful factors for community - based tourism, which can be adapted with community roles. The research was conducted by qualitative approach, and literature review was used in the research. The results showed that the innovation and creativity in community - based tourism were the main factors which people were supposed to have along with reasons and results including a positive mind. Moreover, there should be internal supports from the locals such as participation, conservation and management. Furthermore, external supports are equally important, such as connections and information technology. These factors will unitedly push the community - based tourism to success.

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How to Cite
[Pronpimon Kampetch] พ. ข., & [Rungrawee Jitpakdee] ร. จ. (2019). Innovation and Creativity in Community-Based Tourism Management. Journal of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (JBIS), 14(1), 108–121. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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