Green Marketing Resonance of Thai Consumers

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Alisa Sony
David L. Ferguson


The purpose of this paper is to explore and understand Thai consumers’ attitudes and purchase intentions towards various shades of green marketing, alongside their environmental values and subsequent environmental lifestyle behavioral responses. Experimental research, through surveys, was conducted with 206 Thai consumers residing in Bangkok. The findings indicate that a green marketing offer that promotes higher levels of environmental commitment results in more positive attitudinal responses towards the offer and purchase intentions from Thai consumers. Additionally, the human-centered, egoistic values and social-altruistic values serve as the drivers towards environmental lifestyle behaviors. Moderately positive relationships were identified between consumers’ attitudes towards the green marketing offer and their green purchase intentions; between consumers’ environmental values, especially egoistic values, and their green purchase intentions; and between consumers’ environmental values and environmental lifestyle behaviors. In addition, albeit weak, a positive relationship was detected between consumers’ environmental lifestyle behaviors and their green purchase intentions.

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How to Cite
Sony, A., & Ferguson, D. L. (2024). Green Marketing Resonance of Thai Consumers. Journal of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (JBIS), 19(3). สืบค้น จาก
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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