Scale Development of Digital Health Literacy for the Elderly

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Sudarat Saengkeaw
Suphanit Chansong


Thailand is now transitioning into an aging society while embracing the digital era. Within this context, the utilization of online platforms emerges as a pivotal determinant shaping the digital health literacy of the elderly populace. However, challenges arise due to potential constraints in the elderly's access to and adeptness with digital technology, thereby impacting the efficacy of healthcare delivery. Recognizing this, researchers underscore the significance of enhancing media literacy among the elderly demographic. This study investigates the factors influencing the elderly's comprehension of online health media while devising a comprehensive digital health literacy measurement scale to facilitate targeted interventions. The research draws upon a sample of 281 individuals. The research employs both Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) methodologies. Through rigorous psychometric examination, the analysis reveals the presence of 17 discernible questions, delineating four distinct factors — Functional, Communicative, Critical, and Translational mirroring — existing scholarship. These findings corroborate prior literature and furnish a foundation for further advancement and individual empowerment within this domain.

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How to Cite
Saengkeaw, S., & Chansong, S. (2024). Scale Development of Digital Health Literacy for the Elderly. Journal of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (JBIS), 19(3). สืบค้น จาก
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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