A Model Sensory Insurance Company Experience Relationship with Insurance Company Loyalty by Brand Love is Mediator which Has Brand Identity as a Moderator in the Northern Economic Corridor

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Phattarapon Ounprechavanit
Rattana Sittiaum
Tummatinna Seesupan


The objectives of this investigation were to 1) assess the correlation between the sensory experience of customers with an insurance business and their loyalty towards the firm. The study also considered the role of brand love and the identity of the insurance company as moderating variables. The analysis was conducted using empirical data collected from the northern economic corridor, 2) to examine the direct and indirect impact of sensory brand experience on customer loyalty in an insurance company, with brand love acting as a mediating variable, and 3) to assess the impact of a moderator variable, specifically brand identity, on the intensity of the association between sensory brand experience and brand love. Furthermore, the moderator variable, referred to as brand identity, has an impact on the intensity of the connection between brand love and customer loyalty. Questionnaires were distributed to insurance clients residing in the northern economic region, specifically Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lamphun, and Lampang. This study was conducted using a sample size of 400 selected using purposive sampling, structural equation modeling and moderator testing were used test the hypotheses. Results show that 1) the relationship between brand love and the insurance company's identity as a moderator variable in the Northern Economic Corridor was consistent with the empirical data, 2) the sensory brand experience had a direct impact on customer loyalty, and an indirect impact through brand love, and 3) brand identity was found to have impacted on brand affection and the impact of brand affection on customer loyalty and brand love.

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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