A Glimpse of Push and Pull Factors Affecting Chinese Luxury Hotel Staying Behavior in the Post-Pandemic Era
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In the present day, Chinese consumers have the opportunity to experience stays in upscale hotels, leading to an increased interest in luxury hotels within this customer group. This research study seeks to examine the various push and pull factors that affect Chinese attitudes towards intentions to stay at luxury hotels. A total of 286 Chinese participants responded to a questionnaire survey, revealing that the push factors of uniqueness seeking, interpersonal experience and the pull factor of site value could affect their attitudes in the context of luxury hospitality services, thereby influencing their behavioral intentions. It is noteworthy that social networking (push) and decoration/ themes (pull) were not significantly affecting the attitudes of Chinese consumers towards the luxury hotel sector. The managerial implications of this research are to provide enriching insight for luxury hotels to design marketing strategies and develop specifically customized products and services.
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