The Influence of IT-Enabled Dynamic Capabilities and Service Innovations Affecting Competitive Advantage and Business Performance of Modern Trade
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This research investigates the impact of IT-enabled dynamic capabilities (ITDCs) and service innovations on competitive advantage and business performance in modern trade. A quantitative study of 344 managers or owners of modern trade businesses, particularly convenience stores, was conducted using online questionnaires. Structural Equation Modeling techniques were used to analyze the data. The study found that ITDCs directly and indirectly influenced business performance, service innovations directly and indirectly affected competitive advantage, and competitive advantage directly influenced performance. Service innovations directly affected competitive advantage but not performance, but they had a positive indirect influence on performance. This research supports the Resource-Based View theory and offers practical guidance for conducting business in various contexts. It also provides managerial benefits by helping organizations manage in rapidly changing environments, particularly in modern trade. Organizations can use the ITDCs and service innovations model developed in this study to improve and achieve their operational goals.
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