Modified Analytic Hierarchy Process (MoAHP) Approach for Brand Selection in the Kho-Khun Beef Product

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Aouypond Thawan
Phanthipa Pansuwan
Sirinat Chantanapelin


This research underscores the critical importance of brand selection in the fiercely competitive food industry and introduces the innovative Modified Analytic Hierarchy Process Model (MoAHP). This model integrates the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with the Item-Objective Consistency Index (IOC) and the Rating Scale. Centering on Kho-Khun beef products, the study offers a comprehensive decision-making framework. The prowess of the MoAHP Model shines through its hierarchical assessment of decision factors, providing enhanced precision in brand selection compared to current methods. By amalgamating expert insights with consumer preferences, the model emphasizes key factors like brand identity, lucid communication of product features, and consumer trust. The MoAHP Model bestows distinct scores upon the evaluated brands: Brand X at 82.65%, Brand Y at 91.34%, and Brand Z at 87.09%, with a clear inclination towards Brand X. Influential factors in brand selection comprise the product brand image (B1) with a weightage of 0.5579, and a confluence of interest, uniqueness, trust, and satisfaction associated with the product brand (B4) having a weight of 0.2633. Statistical analysis using paired sample t-tests confirms significant differences in brand selection scores between Brand X and Brand Y, Brand X and Brand Z, as well as Brand Y and Brand Z. Ultimately, the study introduces a groundbreaking approach to brand selection, providing practical insights for competitive markets and broadening the applicability of the AHP framework across various contexts.

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How to Cite
Thawan, A., Pansuwan, P., & Chantanapelin, S. (2024). Modified Analytic Hierarchy Process (MoAHP) Approach for Brand Selection in the Kho-Khun Beef Product. Journal of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (JBIS), 19(2). สืบค้น จาก
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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