Challenges and Opportunities Regarding Circular Strategies for Electric Vehicle Components in Thailand
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Aim: The purpose of this research is to explore the challenges and opportunities regarding circular strategies in the automotive industry for electric vehicle (EV) components in Thailand. It focuses on the life cycle management of EV battery packs, such as repair, reuse, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and recycling. Furthermore, it aims to explore future challenges and opportunities for such strategies in the market in Thailand and to evaluate them from an economic, ecological, and technical perspective.
Research methods: Primary data from online surveys, observations, and market exhibition visits are generated. Additionally, secondary data from literature reviews, web searches, and market forecast data are explored. Using the foresight method, this input is summarized, evaluated, and the basis for an outlook of future challenges and opportunities.
Results: This research provides information on the local attitude towards circular strategies in the market and culture in Thailand. It maps the existing circular strategies in the EV market and provides a forecast of the potential future challenges and opportunities for such strategies in this market in Thailand.
Conclusion: The strong automotive infrastructure in Thailand and incentives from the Thai administration to increase to share of sold and locally produced EVs are providing market opportunities for circular strategies for battery packs in Thailand. At the same time, missing national Thai standards and regulations as well as a lack of remanufacturing awareness within Thai society are challenges for this business concept.
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