The Effect of Thai Baht Volatility on the Employment Rate in Thailand

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Wichaya Sittiruk
Danai Tanamee


The purposes of this study are to identify the effects of Thai Baht volatility on the employment rate in Thailand by using the Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity model to identify the volatility of the exchange rate as an independent variable and to make a comparison between each independent variable, such as the exchange rate between the Thai Baht and the US dollar, Real Effective Exchange Rate, moving average of the exchange rate, Gross Domestic Product, the Thai population, gold price, the number of employees, and total size of the Thai labor forces, the researcher decided to use multiple linear regression as the model for this research to study the relationship on employment rate in Thailand. The research instrument used in collecting the data is secondary data, the sample size is 110 months in a time series collected from January 2011 until February 2020. Based on the investigation, it was concluded that the exchange rate volatility using the autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model has little effect on the Thai employment rate, but a movement in Thai Gross Domestic Product (GDP) affected the employment rate in the same direction with a high statistical significance and the number of Thai populations aged 15 to 60 years also affected the employment rate with high statistical significance, but in the opposite direction.

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How to Cite
Sittiruk, W., & Tanamee, D. (2024). The Effect of Thai Baht Volatility on the Employment Rate in Thailand. Journal of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (JBIS), 19(2). สืบค้น จาก
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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