A Moderated Mediation Model to Explicate Decisions Regarding Digital Ethics, Rights Protection and Open Innovation

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Kavin Katanyutaveetip
Prin Laksitamas
Siwarat Kobayashi


The scenario study was a mixed focus group of nine experts’ opinions on digital ethics marketing, rights protection, open innovation and qualitative measurement of SEM analysis. The research consists of a survey and development research on descriptive characteristics as analysis with maximum likelihood estimation conducted for a structural equation model applying predictive analytics software (PASW). The sample size of 200 to 400 samples is based on male or female, single or married, ages, education, occupation, average monthly income, popular product categories, and popular digital channels. The research results address the crucial demonstration that ethical marketing communications digitally develop under the rights protection decision. The alternative approach will compose of independent variable X: opinions on consumer rights protection from experienced digital purchase systems; dependent variable Y: encoding of ethics in marketing communication including dependent variables: consumer behavioral decisions on digital systems. While open innovation in intellectual capital is the moderator between X and Y variables, the proposed scenario explains new experiential paradigm components, including a focus on open innovation as a moderator, can be operationalized, which accelerates the rate of staged purchasing decision system shift by validating their digital behavior on consumer rights protection of ethical marketing communication in the Kingdom of Thailand.

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How to Cite
Katanyutaveetip, K., Laksitamas, P., & Kobayashi, S. (2024). A Moderated Mediation Model to Explicate Decisions Regarding Digital Ethics, Rights Protection and Open Innovation. Journal of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (JBIS), 19(1). สืบค้น จาก https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/BECJournal/article/view/262819
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