The Development of Urban Tourism in the Khlong Bang Luang Community Area, Phasi Charoen District, Bangkok

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Voralak Kiawmeesuan


Despite the readiness of Thailand for urban tourism, strategies for tourism development remain disjointed and the tourism product development plan that is not yet successful, thus urban tourism is not sufficiently distinctive or memorable for the tourists. Furthermore, the tourism resource supply and demand remained poorly balanced, thus this study aimed to examine the physical characteristics or strength of the area and opinion of the urban tourism development stakeholders in Khlong Bang Luang community area, Phasi Charoen District, Bangkok, in addition to the opinion and behavior of Thai tourists in Khlong Bang Luang community area, Phasi Charoen District, Bangkok, as well as developing an urban tourism development guideline for Khlong Bang Luang community area, Phasi Charoen District, Bangkok. The study found that the 5As: attractiveness, accessibility, amenity, accommodation, and activity, as well as digital technology could be used to explain factors in the Tourist Behavioral Intention or TBI in Khlong Bang Luang community area, Phasi Charoen District, Bangkok, consisting of promotion of revisiting, encouraging the Khlong Bang Luang community locals to plan a sustainable tourism activity, improving the physical characteristics, making announcement signs, utilizing technology to promote tourism, utilizing online and offline technology, utilizing other forms of technology, cooperating with allies, and utilizing the website as the main channel for announcement of campaigns and news.

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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