Improving Undergraduates’ Reading Comprehension and Order Thinking Skills through PSQ6R Method
Development, Reading Comprehension, Teaching Reading, PSQ6R Method, Order Thinkingบทคัดย่อ
The purpose of this research is to 1) compare the undergraduates’ reading comprehension ability; and 2) study the students’ order thinking skills related to reading comprehension ability, before and after learning by using PSQ6R method. The chosen sample size includes 47 undergraduates enrolled in the English Dhamma course at Nakhon Lampang Buddhist College in the 1st semester of academic year 2020. The samples are derived from the purposive selection method. The research instruments are English reading comprehension learning package adopting PSQ6R method and reading comprehension tests. The data are analyzed with percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.
The research findings demonstrate that the undergraduates’ reading comprehension ability and order thinking skills after learning through PSQ6R method is significantly higher than that of before, which is at .05 level of significance. Hence, the PSQ6R method can be used as an essential tool in developing the reading comprehension and thinking skills of a broad range of knowledge-based learners. The new body of knowledge indicates that the PSQ6R method seems to be suitable for enhancing reading comprehension and order thinking skills for students with diverse background knowledge of English at Buddhist Colleges. The students in this context need more teacher’s attention to scaffold them to read English texts or passages concerning Dhamma comprehensibly and successfully by using the PSQ6R method. The Bloom taxonomy can be used to gauge the students’ order thinking skills and assist students to read English texts critically.
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