Aggañña Sutta: The Essential Account of Evolution of Human Society and Kingship


  • Singkham Rakpa School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao


Aggañña Sutta, Kingship, Social Evolution, Society Dissolution


          Aggañña Sutta of the Digha Nikāya, the first division of the Sutta Pitaka, has outstanding content revealing the comprehensive account of social development or the origin of human society. In the Sutta, how the kingship was formed is also illustrated. The main aim of the paper is to examine the Buddhist theory of the origin of society. As elucidated by the Sutta, evolution of the human society came into existence started with the account how the world passes away and begins. The Sutta gives two main accounts related to human society: (1) a comprehensive account of economic condition, social functions, men’s behaviors, social changes, three basic unions in the society: family, village, and town, system of the institution (self-ruled institution) and (2) the origin of kingship, duties for the kings, King’s qualification, and a man-made kingship.


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