Local involvement in sustainable tourism management: A case study of Phuket Old Town

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อารีย์ฏา ถิรสัตยาพิทักษ์
ศิรินทร์ สังข์ทอง


The paper analyzed the participation in sustainable tourism management of the locals in the area of Phuket Old Town. The study employed the cross-sectional approach and the quantitative study by using questionnaires to collect the data from the representatives of 250 households who live in the area of Phuket Old Town and Charter Bank Old Town. Krejcie and Morgan (1970) approach was used to determine a sample size in this study. The techniques of quota sampling and the convenience sampling were conducted to get the study samples. The study results revealed that in overall, the locals in the study area participated in sustainable tourism management at low level in most typologies of participation, except the moderate level of the participation in receiving an information.


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How to Cite
ถิรสัตยาพิทักษ์ อ., & สังข์ทอง ศ. (2019). Local involvement in sustainable tourism management: A case study of Phuket Old Town. International Thai Tourism Journal, 15(1), 1–21. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jitt/article/view/175981
Research Article


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