The Development of Framework of Product Design for Creative Tourism with BCG Guideline


  • Aracha Krasae-in Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University
  • Pega Sanoamuang Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University
  • Nuntachai Trirutwong Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University
  • Napawadee Rodjanathum Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University


Design for Tourism, Product Design, Creative Tourism


The research was the development and test of the application of BCG, the sustainable economic model focusing on Bio Economy, Circular Economy and Green Economy. The research has aimed for the development of framework on product design for tourism according to BCG, and to apply and tests the BCG framework by designing the product for 10 creative tourism destinations in the provinces of Chainat, Singhburi and Lopburi. The framework started from preliminary concept by reviewing documents and collecting data using recording, photographing, interviewing and focus group techniques in the area of fieldworks. Then, the information was analyzed together with the tourism activity plan and local resources. The output was the design of the souvenirs, the gifts and the product that enhanced the creative tourism experience, which those products were created from the local resources, skills and stories in the communities of destinations. The prototypes have been well accepted from the preference test with the tourism experts and the managements and leaders of the communities. The framework of product design process according to BCG from this research was developed, refined and concluded as the BCG and Creative Tourism Benefit to Community Table.


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How to Cite

Krasae-in, A., Sanoamuang, P., Trirutwong, N., & Rodjanathum, N. . (2022). The Development of Framework of Product Design for Creative Tourism with BCG Guideline . Institute of Culture and Arts Journal, 24(1), 122–136. Retrieved from