Teacher in the 21st Century

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Nittaya Arthanying
PhramahaPhisit Visitthapanyo
Intong Saypakhom


"Teacher" to "Coach" or "Learning Director", acting to motivate, inspire, and suggest learning methods and ways to organize knowledge creation throughout. To design activities and create innovative learning throughout the 21st century, teachers must be alert and prepared to manage learning for students. Teachers must possess 21st century skills. They must have the following basic skills to educate students: reading, literacy, writing, and arithmetic. The student of the twenty-first century must possess abilities in reading, analyzing, synthesizing, discriminating in various matters, and useful creativity.
Teachers need to know and understand new technologies, acquire new skills, and guide students through the pros and cons. Teachers must be able to use a variety of educational promotion technologies. And is able to clarify the benefits, advantages, and disadvantages for children of the appropriate use of various technologies.
Keywords: Teacher; The 21st Century

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How to Cite
Arthanying, N., Visitthapanyo, P., & Saypakhom, I. (2024). Teacher in the 21st Century. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(2), 47–52. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/271923
Academic Article


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