The Analysis of the Value of Worshipping Phra That Choeng Chum in Sakon Nakhon Province

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Phramaha Surachai Dhammasuntaro (Surachai Upachand)
Jaras Leeka
Prayong Saenburan
Prasit Kamklang


This research article aims to: 1) study the value of worshipping the relics; 2) examine the value of worshipping Phra That Choeng Chum in Sakon Nakhon Province; and 3) analyze the communal value of such worship in Sakon Nakhon Province. This qualitative research utilized primary data from the Tripitaka and secondary data from documents, academic textbooks, and related research. Insights were provided by 30 individuals, and data were analyzed descriptively according to inductive methods.
The research findings indicate:
1. The Value of Worshipping Relics: This comprises two aspects: the aesthetic, which embodies the abstract values held by the worshipper, such as joy and happiness, arising from the act of worship; and the ethical, which involves applying the knowledge gained from worship to self-development, aiming to realize true value.
2. Phra That Choeng Chum: This sacred site houses Lord Buddha's relics. The people of Sakon Nakhon Province engage in its worship through various rituals, including the ceremony of bathing the relics, driven by the belief that such practices will bring peace and happiness to both the individual and society. Moreover, worshippers engage in practices aimed at purifying one's body, speech, and mind, with ceremonies that
include the bathing of the relics, candlelight processions, Dhamma practice, and changing the relics' coverings.
3. The Value of Worshipping Phra That Choeng Chum: The value is categorized into two levels: a) Individual Level Value, where the act of worship directly benefits the worshipper through happiness and self-improvement derived from the worship; b) Social Level Value, where worshipping the relics plays a role in refining the collective conscience of society, fostering moral conduct that leads to the establishment of positive and
sustainable social norms.

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How to Cite
(Surachai Upachand), P. S. D., Leeka, J., Saenburan, P., & Kamklang, P. (2024). The Analysis of the Value of Worshipping Phra That Choeng Chum in Sakon Nakhon Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(2), 158–170. Retrieved from
Research Article


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