Catalysing Work Efficiency: Assessing the Influence of Digital Technological Advancements on Staff Performance at the Chaiyaphum Provincial Community Development Office
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This research investigates the integration of digital technology within operational frameworks, assessing its efficacy in bolstering operational efficiency for the provision of public services by officials under the jurisdiction of the Community Development Office in Chaiyaphum. The research objectives centred around scrutinising the correlation between and determinants of digital technology adoption and operational efficiency, as well as formulating guidelines to refine operational efficiency in public service delivery, thereby fostering acceptance through tangible benefits and seamless digital technology accessibility. The sample comprised 320 respondents drawn from officials within the Community Development Office in Chaiyaphum Province and the wider public, selected using Yamane's formula (1973) to ensure robust representation. Statistical techniques involve Pearson’s Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA). Results indicate a predominance of female respondents aged between 35 and 50, with a significant proportion holding bachelor's degrees. Occupations primarily included roles within the Community Development Office in Chaiyaphum and the general populace, with a majority earning monthly incomes ranging from 15,000 to 30,000 baht. Regarding factors influencing the acceptance of digital technology, MRA indicates that the Beta Standardised Coefficients for the perceived benefits of digital technology use (X1) stood at 0.803,
exerting the greatest impact on predicting operational efficiency (Y), followed by the ease of accessing digital technology (X2) at 0.101. A scenario where operational efficiency (Y) changes by 1 unit, and both independent variables, the use of digital technology (X1) and ease of access to digital technology (X2), have a positive impact on improving
operational efficiency (Y).
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