The Personnel Administration According to the Seven Sappurisadhamma by Educational Institution Administrators under the Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office

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Jiemjit Maliros
Kasem Saengnont
PhrakhrupaladBoonchuay Chotivungso (Auiwong)


This research aimed to: 1. study the state of personnel administration according to the Seven Sappurisadhamma by educational institution administrators under the
Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office; 2. propose guidelines for promoting personnel management according to the Seven Sappurisadhamma for educational
institution administrators in the same area. The study used a mixed-methods approach, with a sample group of 329 school administrators and teachers, and 10 key informants for in-depth interviews. Research instruments included a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. Data analysis involved frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.
The research results were as follows:
1. The state of personnel administration according to the Seven Sappurisadhamma by educational institution administrators in schools under the Bueng Kan Primary
Educational Service Area Office, was generally at a high level across all seven aspects.
2. The guidelines for personnel administration according to the Seven Sappurisadhamma for educational institution administrators in Bueng Kan are as follows: (1) Dhammaññut (Knowing the Reason): administrators should create personnel management manuals and clearly define work standards for various positions;
(2) Atthaññut(Knowing the Result): administrators should set clear goals and encourage personnel to achieve them; (3) Attaññut (Knowing Oneself): provide opportunities for teachers and staff to express their personal development needs based on their knowledge, skills, and aptitudes; (4) Mattaññuta (Knowing Moderation): allocate budgets appropriately to support personnel development and manage expenses wisely; (5) Kluññuta (Knowing the Time): Prioritize tasks appropriately and address issues promptly; (6) Parisaññut (Knowing the Community): foster good relationships with the community for smoother school administration; (7) Puggalaññuta (Knowing the Person): administrators should assign tasks to teachers and staff according to their knowledge and capabilities, ensuring an appropriate balance of work.

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How to Cite
Maliros, J., Saengnont, K., & Chotivungso (Auiwong), P. (2024). The Personnel Administration According to the Seven Sappurisadhamma by Educational Institution Administrators under the Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(2), 385–396. Retrieved from
Research Article


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