The School Administrators’ Administrative Skills in the 21st Century Under Secondary Educational Service Area Office Khon Kaen

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Prapaporn Muangnak
Niyada Piampeuchana


The objectives of this research were to 1) study administrative skills in the 21st century of school administrators, 2) compare administrative skills in the 21st century of school administrators under Khon Kaen Secondary Educational Service Area Office
classified by educational background, position and size of schools. The sample group used in this research consisted of school administrators and teachers, with the total number of 358 people. The instrument used in the research was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire. The statistics used in data analysis comprised frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, t-test hypothesis and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
The research results were found that:
1. Administrative skills in the 21st century of school administrators, in overall, was rated at a high level of practice, when considering each aspect, it was found that every aspect was at a high level, the aspect with the highest level of practice was human relations skill which had the highest average, followed by communication skill, technology and digital skill, analytical thinking and creative thinking skill, teamwork skill and the aspect with the lowest level of practice was moral and ethical skill.
2. The comparison results of administrative skills in the 21st century of school administrators classified by position, in overall and each aspect, were different with statistical significance at .01 level, the comparison results of administrative skills in the 21st century of school administrators classified by educational background, in overall and each aspect, were different with statistical significance at .01 level and classified by size of schools, in overall and each aspect, were different with statistical significance at .01 level.

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How to Cite
Muangnak, P., & Piampeuchana, N. . (2024). The School Administrators’ Administrative Skills in the 21st Century Under Secondary Educational Service Area Office Khon Kaen. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(3), 221–234. Retrieved from
Research Article


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