The Academic Management Strategy of Small Primary Schools to Promote the Success of Learning Management Phrae Primary Educational Service Area Office 1
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management of small primary schools to promote the success of learning. The research population consists of 38 school administrators, one deputy school administrator, and 340 teaching staff, totaling 379 educational administrators and teachers in 69 small
primary schools under the jurisdiction of Phrae Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, divided into four districts: Mueang Phrae, Rong Kwang, Song, and Nong Muang Khai. Data collection tools included questionnaires and evaluations, with data analysis utilizing basic statistics such as percentages, means, standard deviations, and content analysis.
The research findings, which hold significant implications for the academic
community, are as follows:
In terms of managing education within schools, the current administrative
condition is “Moderate” ( = 3.04, S.D.= 0.75), and the desired administrative level is “High” ( = 4.49, S.D.= 0.69). In the aspect of school curriculum development, the
current administrative level is “Moderate” ( = 3.11, S.D.= 0.80), and the desired
administrative level is “High” ( = 4.47, S.D. = 0.70). In the aspect of assessment,
evaluation, and credit transfer procedures, the current administrative level is “Moderate” ( = 3.20, S.D.=0.70), and the desired administrative level is “Highest” ( = 4.51,
S.D.= 0.72). In the aspect of developing and using educational technology, the current administrative level is “Moderate” ( = 2.83, S.D.=0.84), and the desired administrative level is “High” ( = 4.38, S.D.= 0.74). The overall mean for the current administrative condition is “Moderate” ( = 3.06, S.D.= 0.78), and for the desired administrative
condition is “High” ( = 4.47, S.D. = 0.71)
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