The Relationship Between Innovative Leadership of School Administrators and Educational Innovator of the Teachers Under Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office

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Arunwatee Sriramut
Parichat Buacharoen


The purposes of this research are to: 1) study innovative leadership of school administrators and educational innovator of the teachers under the Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office 2) study the relationship between innovative leadership of school administrators and educational innovator of the teachers under the Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office. The sampling groups consisted of 266 teachers in schools under the Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office. They were selected based on the Krejcie and Morgan's sample size determination. A constructed 5-level
rating scale questionnaire with the reliability of 0.96. The statistics used to analyze data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient.
Finding reveal that:
1) Innovative leadership of school administrators under the Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office was at a high level ( x = 3.97, S.D. = 0.72) of overview. The highest mean score was vision to change, following by team work and participation, innovative organization. and the lowest mean score was creative thinking. and educational innovator of the teachers under the Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office was at a high level ( x = 4.07, S.D. = 0.70) of overview. The highest mean score was observation, following by connecting to action, creative originality, experiment. and the lowest mean score was asking questions and finding the answer.
2) The relationship between innovative leadership of school administrators and educational innovator of the teachers under the Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office was indicated positive correlation at level as highest (r = 0.876) with statistically significant at the 0.01 level.

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How to Cite
Sriramut, A., & Buacharoen, P. . (2024). The Relationship Between Innovative Leadership of School Administrators and Educational Innovator of the Teachers Under Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(3), 247–258. retrieved from
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