The Development of Product and Marketing Strategy for Occupation Group of Wreath Product, Bang Khayang Community, Pathum Thani Province

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Monsicha Anukun


 This research aimed to study the potential of the occupation group of wreath product, develop new products, and marketing strategy. This research is participatory action research. Qualitative research methods were used to collect data from 15 members of the wreath product occupation group.
The results of the study found that
1) The occupation group of wreath product lacked new product design and development capabilities. There was a limited product selection, the design was outdated, and the product was identical to the market.
2) Group members wanted to create products that used utensils to decorate wreaths because they are useful and convenient for storage. Chinese spoon, fork and spoon set, and food carrier were among the utensils used for decorating the wreath.
3) The marketing strategy plan for the wreath product occupation group consists of: Proactive strategies were highlighted such as: 1. Increase distribution channels through online platforms and 2. create cooperation with a network of professional groups in the area for market development and develop products for complete mourning events. Strategies for improvement such as: 1. Design and develop eco-friendly products to increase product value and 2. Coordinate with public sector to receive advice on
distribution in online platforms. Strategies in term of prevention such as: 1. Study buyer needs and strategies for entering the market and 2. Develop new products to be unique and respond to customer needs.

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How to Cite
Anukun, M. (2024). The Development of Product and Marketing Strategy for Occupation Group of Wreath Product, Bang Khayang Community, Pathum Thani Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(2), 144–157. Retrieved from
Research Article


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