Politics in the View of Mahatma Gandhi

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Nimit Trachu
Jaras Leeka
PhraSombat Sukprasert
Phramahasupat Wachiravudho
Prapat Srikulkich


This academic article aims to present political activities that do not use violence as a tool for fighting. By using the principle of non-violence, which is a principle that everyone already practices in their daily lives, as a tool for political struggle. Moreover, it has adopted the political method of "Satyagraha" instead of the method of using
violence to demand justice and freedom for the grass-root people. This principle of nonviolence was used to solve conflicts in India until it gained official full independence from England

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How to Cite
Trachu, N., Leeka, J., Sukprasert, P. ., Wachiravudho, P., & Srikulkich, P. (2024). Politics in the View of Mahatma Gandhi. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(1), 54–65. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/268845
Academic Article


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