The Model of Creating Emotional Well-Being Bases on Theravada Buddhist Philosophy of People in Kalasin Province

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PhramahaChatpat Samajaro
Sowit Bamrungphak
Uthai Kamolsil


The purpose of this research is to 1) Study theoretical concepts regarding emotional health. 2) Study the principles of Theravada Buddhist philosophy regarding emotional health. 3) Create a model for creating emotional well-being according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy. and 4) present knowledge about the model for creating emotional well-being according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy for the people in Kalasin Province. It is mainly a study and analysis of information from the Tripitaka,
textbooks, and related documents. and had in-depth interviews From experts, monks and people from the Tassana Ram Tao Hai Temple community, totaling 25 monks/people, came to analyze the content data and present the information. Descriptive
The research results were as follows:
1. Theoretical concepts regarding emotional health include: 1) Three concepts of emotional health: Wellness according to Adams's concept. Well-being according to Meyer's concept and Buddhist holistic health 2) Theories regarding emotional health include Hare's normative theory. It is a theory of purely moral judgments that have emotional meanings. and C. L. Stevenson's theory of emotionalism is an analytical theory of ethical problem solving.
2. Principles of Theravada Buddhist philosophy regarding emotional health include the principles of yonisommanasikra, principles of mindfulness and awareness. The principles of right view, the principles of concentration, and the principles of wisdom, which are the Dhamma principles that people in Kalasin Province Can be applied to daily life for a better quality of life
3. Models for creating emotional well-being according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy for people in Kalasin Province are 1) Models for creating emotional
well-being according to the principles of Yonisomanasikra 2) Models for creating emotional well-being according to the principles of mindfulness and awareness 3) Rpa. A model for creating emotional well-being based on the principle of right view, 4) a model for creating emotional well-being based on the principle of meditation, and 5) a model for creating emotional well-being based on the principle of wisdom. This is a good guideline for creating the emotional health of the people in Kalasin Province.
4. Knowledge about the model for creating emotional well-being according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy of the people in Kalasin Province is 1) the principle of Yonisomanasikra 2) the principle of mindfulness. Applied to solve the problem of lack of self-control 3) Principle of Right View 4) Principle of Concentration 5) Principle of Wisdom

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How to Cite
Samajaro, P., Bamrungphak, S. ., & Kamolsil, U. . (2024). The Model of Creating Emotional Well-Being Bases on Theravada Buddhist Philosophy of People in Kalasin Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(1), 361–378. Retrieved from
Research Article


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