Integrating Phra That Phanom's Values Influencing Life According to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy of the People of Nakhon Phanom Province

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Phrakhru Pariyatthamakorn Thanavaro (Thipmala)
Uthai Kamolsil


This dissertation The objectives are 1) to study the history of the development and value of the relics, 2) to study living life according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy, 3) to integrate the values of Phra That Phanom that influence living life according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy, and 4) To present knowledge about the value of Phra That Phanom that influences living according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy. in-depth interview group of monks Total number: 10 photos/person. Content data were analyzed. Present descriptive information
The results of the research found that: 
1. History of the development and value of the relics. Built according to the legend of Urangkhathat Fable. When Phra That Nong Khai collapsed and fell into the Mekong River. Therefore, Phra That Phanom was built in the year 8 as a pagoda used to house the Buddha's chest relics. 
2. Living life according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy. It is carried out according to good traditions. Consisting of 12 heats, 14 canals, the spiritual center is at Phra That Phanom, That Phanom District, Nakhon Phanom Province. 
3. Integrate the values of Phra That Phanom that influence living life according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy. Phra That Phanom is unique to Buddhists who believe that Any person who goes to worship will make himself and his family have a better life according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy by worshiping in two ways: Amis worship, which is worshiping with material things. and practice worship It is worship by practicing Vipassana meditation according to the influence of word of mouth from generation to generation. 
4. There is a new element called "AEW MODEL". A = Avail is the value resulting from worshiping Phra That Phanom, E = Effect is the influence according to the principles. Thoughts, beliefs, faith and behavior, W = Way of life is the way of life of individuals, society, communities, and the public in peace and harmony, Disciplined


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How to Cite
Thanavaro (Thipmala), P. P., & Kamolsil, U. . (2024). Integrating Phra That Phanom’s Values Influencing Life According to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy of the People of Nakhon Phanom Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(1), 346–360. Retrieved from
Research Article


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