The Relationship Between Servant Leadership of School Administrators and Teachers Job Satisfaction Under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chachoengsao

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Jakaphan Toklang
Supawadee Lapcharoen


The survey research aimed to study 1) The servant leadership of school administrators under the secondary educational service area office chachoengsao
2) The teachers job satisfaction under the secondary educational service area office chachoengsao and 3) The relationship between servant leadership of school administrators and teachers job satisfaction under the secondary educational service area office
chachoengsao. The population is teachers under the secondary educational service area office Chachoengsao. The population is teachers under the secondary educational service area office Chachoengsao. The samples used in the study consisted of 291. Using the Multistage random sampling method, obtained by stratified random sampling according to campus and Simple Random Sampling Using the proportional comparison of teachers in the campus. The research instrument was five-level rating scale questionnaires with content validity between 0.80-1.00 and reliability of 0.99. The statistics used in the data analysis were mean, standard deviation. and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient with a statistical significance level at 0.01.
The findings were as follow:
1. The servant leadership of school administrators of the secondary educational service area office Chachoengsao were at high level.
2. the teachers job satisfaction under the secondary educational service area office chachoengsao were at high level
3. The relationship between servant leadership of school administrators and teachers job satisfaction under the secondary educational service area office chachoengsao were positively collected at the highest level with the significance level at 0.01

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How to Cite
Toklang, J., & Lapcharoen, S. (2024). The Relationship Between Servant Leadership of School Administrators and Teachers Job Satisfaction Under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chachoengsao. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(2), 114–128. Retrieved from
Research Article


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