Digital Leadership Development Guidelinesof Sarasas Affiliated Schools Administrators

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Kunkamon Leeyawattananupong
Anusorn Nampradit


The objectives of this research are to study 1) the current condition desired conditions and necessary needs for the development of digital leadership of school administrators in the Sarasas affiliated schools, and 2) the elements and methods for developing digital leadership of administrators in the Sarasas affiliated schools and 3) the guidelines for developing digital leadership of school administrators in the Sarasas affiliated schools. The research tools were, questionnaire, interview form, connoisseurship record form. Statistics used in data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Pearson's correlation coefficient, Cronbach's Alpha, Coefficient
Confidence, Value Index, and the value of importance of necessity.
The results of the research found that
1) 4 elements and 4 methods of digital leadership
2) The current state of digital administrators is overall at a high level, and when considered in each aspect, it was found that the leadership and digital vision had the highest averages, and the lowest average in High level was technology learning skills. Desired conditions of digital overly was at a high level, and when considering each aspect, it was found that the area with the highest average at a high level was professional practice in the digital age. In addition, it has the lowest average. At a high level, namely leadership and having a digital vision. The order of necessary needs in the development of digital. Arrangement of essential needs from highest to lowest rate, including digital technology learning skills, professional practice in the digital age of digital communication and leadership and digital vision.
3) Results of guidelines for developing digital leadership of school administrators in the Sarasas affiliated school, consisting of 4 areas, and 14 guidelines. overall, every aspect of the approach was appropriate and feasible and usefulness are at a high level.

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How to Cite
Leeyawattananupong, K., & Nampradit, A. (2024). Digital Leadership Development Guidelinesof Sarasas Affiliated Schools Administrators. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(2), 347–362. Retrieved from
Research Article


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