A Study of the Academic Achievement of Students who Received Learning Using the ICARI Model

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Noppadon Kanchanangkul
Sawitree Mitreepan
Theerada Laoprasertsuk
Rawisara Phonsaksai
Matchima Bootto


This research has the following objectives 1) study the learning achievements of students who are studied by using the ICARI Model. 2) Compare the average academic achievement before and after studying of students who are studied by using the ICARI Model and 3) study the students’ satisfaction with studying using the ICARI Model.
The population of this research is the students of Nongbuadaeng Wittaya School who are studying in the second semester of the academic year 2022. The sampling group of this research is the students of Nongbuadaeng Wittaya School, 8 classes by cluster sampling. The research is conducted by using ICARI Model lesson plans. Collecting the data by using pre-test and post-test achievement tests and the questionnaire of satisfaction by using the ICARI Model. The data were analyzed by using basic statistics and t-tests for the dependent sample.
The research result revealed that: The students who are studied by using the ICARI Model have post-test achievement at moderate to high level. The average score of post-test achievement is higher than pre-test achievement with statistical significance at the .05 level. The satisfaction of students using the ICARI model is at a high level. (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.87, S.D. = 0.82) From the findings of this research, the researchers have suggestions to encourage
learning management using the ICARI Model to develop the learning potential and learning achievement of the students.

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How to Cite
Kanchanangkul, N., Mitreepan, S., Laoprasertsuk, T., Phonsaksai, R., & Bootto, M. (2024). A Study of the Academic Achievement of Students who Received Learning Using the ICARI Model. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(2), 226–238. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/267112
Research Article


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