An Evaluation of Upright School Project at Bansubsanoon School Under Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Amornteb Moonlasoot
Parichat Buacharoen


The objectives of this research were to evaluate the Upright School Project at Bansubsanoon school under the jurisdiction of Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, by applying CIPP model which consisted of context, input, process and effectiveness. The second objective sought to identify strategies for promoting activities according to the upright school project. The study involved a total of 246 participants which included school administrators, teachers, school board, students’ guardians, administrators of educational service area and the supervisor who is project responsible person. The tools used to collect data are assessments and interviews. Data analysis using basic statistics including percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis.
The research results were shown:
1. The evaluation of context and process, overall, it is appropriate at the highest level. As for the results of the evaluation of input and effectiveness, overall, it is
appropriate at a high level.
2. Guidelines for promoting activities according to the Upright School Project at Bansubsanoon school under the jurisdiction of Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 are 1) The school should study their objectives, principles and methods for implementing the project is clearly understood, in order to act in the same direction affecting the results of operations to meet the objectives. 2) The school should appoint a responsible person or the number of responsible persons appropriate to the activity and integrate various activities that can be done together to reduce time or redundant work. 3) The school should coordinate with relevant agencies, takes part in project
implementation so that activities are consistent with the context of the school and community. 4) The school should organize various activities integrated with study subjects, to achieve sustainable development of student characteristics.

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How to Cite
Moonlasoot, A., & Buacharoen, P. (2024). An Evaluation of Upright School Project at Bansubsanoon School Under Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(1), 206–217. Retrieved from
Research Article


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