Leadership Development towards Excellence in Educational Administration According to The Principle of Kalyanamitta Dhamma

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Saksit Seeluangpetch
PhrakhrupaladBoonchuay Chotivungso (Auiwong)


Leadership towards excellence in educational administration according to the principle of Kalyanamitta Dhamma 7 is a condition in which leaders use the process to persuade personnel to perform tasks willingly to follow orders. To achieve outstanding quality that is higher than the required standards and accepted by other educational institutions and agencies with assistance, advice, and support from personnel both inside and outside the school with friendliness. There is full support and goodwill towards each other. There are two theoretical concepts related to management excellence: the theoretical concept of Peters and Waterman and the theoretical concept of the NSW Department of Education. There are three leadership theories: Burns' theory of change, Hersey and Blanchard's theory of situational leadership, and Luthans' theory of leadership behavior. The seven principles of Kalyanamitra Dhamma consist of seven qualities of Kalyanamitta: 1) Piyo is lovable or loved, 2) Garu is respected, 3) Bhavaniyo is pleasing, can be an example to us, 4) Vatta ca is wise in words, pleasant to listen and reasonable, 5) Vacanakhamo is a person who refuses to words, 6) Kambhiranca Katha Katta is one who can say words or profound things. 7) No catthane Niyojaye does not induce absurd, absurd, or corrupt things.In the administration must be an organizational structure, Organizational strategy, work systems, management approaches, work skills, personnel, and shared values. Emphasizing excellence in learning, teaching, and leading, using ethical transformational leadership. Participatory management according to democratic principles and use the principles of Kalyanamitta Dhamma in educational administration.

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How to Cite
Seeluangpetch, S., & Chotivungso (Auiwong), P. . (2023). Leadership Development towards Excellence in Educational Administration According to The Principle of Kalyanamitta Dhamma. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(4), 10–23. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/266279
Academic Article


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