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Nimit Trachu
Jaras Leeka


The purpose of this book review is to present a method for seeking the truth through self-discovery. Documents, textbooks, and teachers are only the means of reaching it. As for reaching the truth, it must come from our own learning process by making the mind free, which will lead to having the wisdom to access the truth because wisdom is a state that cannot be transferred through experience to a person. other Those who wish to enter the truth must learn it by themselves.

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How to Cite
Trachu, N., & Leeka, J. (2023). Siddhartha. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(4), 404–414. Retrieved from
Book Review


เฮอร์มานน์ เฮสเส (Hermann Karl Hesse). สดใส ผู้แปล (2558). สิทธารถะ (Siddhartha). (พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 3). กรุงเทพฯ: สร้างสรรค์.