The Buddhahood and the Tathāgata embryo

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Vorakorn Chatchaithus
Suwin Thongpan
Jaras Leeka
Kriangkrai Phinyarak
Phrakru Sripariyattayarak (Prasong Songnork)


 This academic article aims to present the relationship between Buddhahood and the tathgatagarbha (Tathgata embryo). The results show that Buddhahood is the
element of knowledge that exists in all things and human beings are capable of making that seed grow. Moreover, the tathgatagarbha is a seed that is sown on the ground that has been watered and tilled properly, thus causing the seed to grow and become a young tree and continue to grow into a big tree.

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How to Cite
Chatchaithus, V., Thongpan, S. ., Leeka, J., Phinyarak, K., & (Prasong Songnork), P. S. (2023). The Buddhahood and the Tathāgata embryo. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(4), 56–64. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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