Meditation to Relax and Develop the Growth Mindset of School Administrators

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PhraAnusorn Wachirawangso (Kornamsai)
Kanokorn Somprach
PhraHonda Vadasuddo (Khemma)


This article aimed to provide information on meditation to relax and to develop a growth mindset of school administrators with the objective of conducting meditation to relax and to develop a growth mindset, consisting of: 1) Using meditation for relaxation, 2) To study meditation that affects oneself and affects work, 3) Meditation to develop a growth mindset. Meditation can be used as a tool to relax the body and prepare the mind to be in a state of readiness and easy to cultivate various virtues, to enhance wisdom, to be comprehensive, to ease the suffering that arises in the mind, have emotional stability, create immunity to mental illnesses. It is also useful in daily life to help relieve stress, relieve anxiety, makes oneself feel comfortable and happy, promote efficiency at work, study and all affairs, contribute to the development of connected brain functions and affect the perception of a person, causing comfort, relaxation, good thinking and good attitude both for oneself and others.

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How to Cite
Wachirawangso (Kornamsai), P. ., Somprach, . K., & Vadasuddo (Khemma), P. (2024). Meditation to Relax and Develop the Growth Mindset of School Administrators. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(2), 35–46. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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