Femininity in Lilit Phra Lor : Roles of Motherhood, Wife and Daughters

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Phromsiri Nammungkhun


This article aimed to study the femininity under the influence of patriarchal society in the literature entitled "Lilit Phra Lor" by studying the femininity in three dimensions, namely 1. the role of mother 2. the role of wife and 3. the role of daughter. The study found that female characters in Lilit Phra Lor are all influenced by patriarchy. These roles are defined by teachings, customs, traditions, and social norms. Therefore, the image expression of femininity reflected that woman in the royal palace must have good manners and demeanor that commensurate with their original background.
In a role of daughter, a woman had to obey her parents' instructions. Meanwhile, when having a husband, a woman must take good care of her husband and be pleased with and accept the happiness of a husband who can have many wives. And as a mother, she has to take care of her children from young ages to get the best. It can be seen that female characters in the story do not have any power in terms of politics and governance. They are restricted to live and play roles only in family institution.

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How to Cite
Nammungkhun, P. (2024). Femininity in Lilit Phra Lor : Roles of Motherhood, Wife and Daughters. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(1), 1–12. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/265053
Academic Article


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