Leadership of Administrators Affecting the Application of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in Private School teacher Management in Pathum Thani Province

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Warangkana Chongkraijak
Teerapon Kongnawang


 The aims of this research were to study 1) the levels of private school administrator leadership, 2) the levels of applying the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in private school management, Pathum Thani Province, and 3) the relationship between school administrator leadership and applying of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in private school management, Pathum Thani Province. The data was collected from a sample group, 343 people. The research instrument was a 5-rating scale questionnaire. The
statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient.
The results of research found that
1) the level of private school administrator leadership in Pathum Thani Province for overall and every aspect was at a high level, sorted in decreasing order: academic leadership, strategic leadership, transformational leadership, creative leadership, and information and communication technology leadership
2) the level of applying the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in private school management, Pathum Thani Province for overall and every aspect was at a high level, sorted in decreasing order: the school management, the student development activities organizing, the teacher and education personnel development, and the curriculum and teaching management
3) the relationship between administrator leadership (Xtot) and applying of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in private school management (Ytot), Pathum Thani Province, overall there was positive relationship at a high level (rxy= .870) and statistically significant correlation at the .01 level. The all aspect of school administrator leadership (X1 -X5) related at a high level with the all aspect of applying the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in private school management (Ytot).

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How to Cite
Chongkraijak, W., & Kongnawang, T. (2024). Leadership of Administrators Affecting the Application of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in Private School teacher Management in Pathum Thani Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(1), 156–169. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/265043
Research Article


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