Buddhist Approach to Manage Conflicts in the Use of Community Forest Resources at Ban Na Wai, Na Muen District, Nan Province

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Supakorn Phetsuk
Somyot Panyamak
Sahathaya Wises


The study consisted of the following objectives: 1) to investigate conflicts in the use of community forest resources; 2) to explore factors affecting conflicts in the use of community forest resources; and 3) to propose the Buddhist approach to manage conflicts in the use of community forest resources at Ban Na Wai, Na Muen District, Nan Province. The study used a mixed-method approach that included qualitative and quantitative methods. A questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale was used to acquire quantitative data from a sample group. In-depth interviews were used to acquire qualitative data from key informants. The collected data were analyzed by content analysis.
From the study, the following results are found: 
1) From analyzing the level of conflict management in the use of community forest resources at Ban Na Wai in all 5 aspects, it is found that the mean of relationship, values and structure are at a very satisfied level, news and information and benefits are at a moderate level.
2) From comparing conflicts in the use of community forest resources, it is discovered that people of different genders, ages, educational levels, incomes, and occupations have no difference in the level of conflict management in the use of 
community forest resources at Ban Na Wai; therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected.
3) Conflict management in the use of community forest resources based on Saraniyadhamma (states of conciliation) reveals as follows: Sadharanabhogita refers to sharing within the community to help reducing and solving conflicts; Mettamanokamma refers to adhering to the Dhamma for solving conflicts; Mettakayakamma refers to 
structure for working systematically; Mettavacikamma refers to the use of words to create peace in the community; Silasamaññata refers to honest conduct; and Ditthisamaññata refers to equality in thoughts and accepting others' viewpoints.

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How to Cite
Phetsuk, S., Panyamak, S., & Wises, S. (2024). Buddhist Approach to Manage Conflicts in the Use of Community Forest Resources at Ban Na Wai, Na Muen District, Nan Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(2), 185–196. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/265011
Research Article


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