Fon Long Nan : The Guideline of Creation to Enhance Buddhist Arts and Culture of Nan Municipality, Nan Province

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Sirirat Montien
Chamnarn Kerdchor
Sittichai Unsaun


This research had objectives, 1) to study the history of Fon Long Nan, Nan province, 2) to enhance the creativity of Fon Long Nan to promote the Buddhist art and culture of Nan municipality, Nan province, 3) to propose a creative guideline for the Fon Long Nan to promote the Buddhist art and culture of Nan municipality, Nan province.
This research is qualitative, key performant consisted of a group of dancers, local leaders, intellectual leaders, village philosophers, and scholars, with total 20 participants.
The results of the research found that: The guidance can be established creativity to promote Buddhist art and culture of Nan municipality, Nan province can be accomplished by, 1) enhancing the creativity of Fon Long Nan to promote Buddhist art and culture by publicizing through various media and should make the Fon Long Nan handbook by co-operates with organizations in Nan municipality area, to form policy that could inherit the culture of Nan province, and to increase the number of dancers. Fon Lon Nan is taught according to the tradition of Nan culture by knowledgeable dance teachers with specialized in Fon Long Nan, to achieve beauty in harmony, dancers must use concentration and mindfulness according to Buddhist principles. Fon Long Nan should be included in local development plans and ordinances, to create a project about the Fon Long Nan sustainably that can be further displayed on Buddhist important days and various traditional events. 2) Inventive Fon Long Nan to promote Buddhist art and culture by having a speaker or an emcee describe the dancing posture for audiences to understand the non-verbal language that is conveyed physically. Moreover, the creation of dancers' costumes has a variety of styles, there are more striking and beautiful colors in harmony.

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How to Cite
Montien, S., Kerdchor, C., & Unsaun, S. (2024). Fon Long Nan : The Guideline of Creation to Enhance Buddhist Arts and Culture of Nan Municipality, Nan Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(2), 101–113. Retrieved from
Research Article


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