Technique and Process for Teaching Morality in Schools of Moral Teaching Monks under Nakhon Nan Buddhist College

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Phra Paramanuchit Pathamabalo (Rattananubet)


This research “Technique and Process for Teaching Morality in Schools of Moral Teaching Monks under Nakhon Nan Buddhist College” has the objectives as follows: to study the problems of teaching morality in schools of moral teaching monks under Nakhon Nan Buddhist College; and to analyse the process of teaching morality in schools of moral teaching monks under Nakhon Nan Buddhist College. This study is qualitative research by in-depth interview. The results showed that: problems of teaching morality in schools, moral teaching monks taught subjects that were inconsistent with the needs of the school. The time is not certainly and not to teaching full-time. The basic knowledge of Buddhism and lacks a variety of things in teaching. Techniques for teaching the use of media are developed not yet. The problems of teaching morality is the accessibility of technology is increasing which makes children not interested or attentive about morality, ethics and moral teachings have not yet covered the entire province. Analysis for process of teaching morality in schools of moral teaching monks.
The process into 4 parts: 1) the content of the curriculum must integrate various parts appropriately and harmoniously. As well as the personnel management is one of the most important processes to must keep learning new knowledge and new technologies to be used as a guideline for personnel management. 2) Teaching and learning that
focuses on students is important. Most moral monks have been trained in a systematic teaching method, let students seek knowledge on their own by applying current events in teaching. 3) Media and equipment, monks teaching morality manage learning by using the media. There will be training or meetings about knowledge on the production process of teaching and learning materials for moral monks. And 4) Measurement and evaluation. Should been develop to modern in the processes. Emphasize the media to be useful and easy to understand. And the curriculum is updated every 3 years.

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How to Cite
Pathamabalo (Rattananubet), P. P. (2024). Technique and Process for Teaching Morality in Schools of Moral Teaching Monks under Nakhon Nan Buddhist College. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 11(2), 197–209. Retrieved from
Research Article


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