People's Participation in Local Administrative Organization Development Planning : A Case Study of Khonsawan Sub - District Administrative Organization Khonsawan District, Chaiyaphum Province

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Kamaithorn Mongkonkun
Panya Klaydesh
Phaitoon Mamuang


The objectives of the research were to study and compare the people’s participation and the application of the Buddhadhamma to support the people’s participation in local development planning through the mixed research. The qualitative research collected data by in-depth interview from 9 key informants while the quantitative research collected data by questionnaires from 366 samples and the data were analyzed by descriptive statistics.
The result found that
1. The level of the people’s participation in local development planning of Konsawan Subdistrict Administrative Organization totally was middle, classified by side from high to low as follows: 1) Decision 2) Planning 3) Operation and 4) Follow-up and Assessment.
2. The comparison of the people’s participation in local development planning of the local administrative organization, the case of Konsawan Subdistrict Administrative Organization found that the people with different sex, age, educations and occupations had different participations in local development planning of Konsawan Subdistrict Administrative Organization , Konsawan District, Chaiyaphum Province.
3. The application of Saraniya Dhamma to support the people’s participation in local development planning found that 1) The people joined meetings to discuss and design ways of development in order to solve and reduce local problems by means of the principle of Metta Manokamma and Ditthi Samannata. 2) The people participated in planning development, designating strategy, preparing information, sequencing the importance of problems and attending the meetings of the council of the subdistrict administrative organizations by means of Metta Vacikamma. 3) The people participated as members to operate the developing plans of the subdistrict administrative organizations, care the community’s common interest, prevent and suppress the addicted drugs in the community by means of Sadharana Bhogi and Metta Kayakamma, and 4) The people participated to suggest the ways to operate the subdistrict administrative organizations, follow up and assess the local developing plans and valuate the plans according to the budget by means of Sila Samannata.

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How to Cite
Mongkonkun, K., Klaydesh, P. ., & Mamuang, P. . (2023). People’s Participation in Local Administrative Organization Development Planning : A Case Study of Khonsawan Sub - District Administrative Organization Khonsawan District, Chaiyaphum Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(4), 318–331. Retrieved from
Research Article


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