Guidelines for Student Affairs Administration of School Administrators Under Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Naphich Parphanphoj
Pongsak Ruamchomrat


This research aimed to study the administration of student affairs and theguidelines for student affairs administration of school dministrators under the Office of Kanchanaburi Primary Education Service Area 2.The samples consisted of school administrators and teachers under the Office of Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area 2, consisted of 276 people random sampling according to school size and key informants, 8 people discussions by choosing a specific. By analyzing the index of inspection ability of frequently asked questions Krathong.
Find the question section that has a verifiability index equal to 1.00. Analyze and analyze the sentiment confidence coefficient by using Cron's alpha coefficient method. Data can be obtained to obtain the belief value. Of course, the whole version is equal to 0.88 and the group's data recording form. Compiled statistics are elements that have standardized and content-quantitative parts.
The findings were as follows:
1. Administration of student affairs of school administrators under the office of Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area 2 in was at a high level. On a side-by-side basis, it was found that. They practiced at a high level in all aspects. Sorted in descending order of average,namely,operation of the student support system and the promotion and development of students to have discipline, morality and ethics, followed by the promotion of democracy in school. Assessment of student affairs performance Administration of student affairs and student affairs planning, respectively.
2. Guidelines for the administration of student affairs of school administrators are as follows: In the administration of student affairs, school administrators and student affairs jointly organize a meeting. to plan operations and prepare manuals Regulations on the administration of student affairs should collectively define the scope of work and evaluate satisfaction In terms of promoting and developing students to have discipline, morality, ethics, planning activities, supervising, maintaining discipline and student
behavior. Regarding the student support system, there are planning meetings, coordination and supervision of operations. Regarding the promotion of democracy in schools, democracy promotion was inserted in all subject areas. support activities that promote democracy and the evaluation of student affairs performance is planned Summarizing activities and projects and evaluating them every academic year.

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How to Cite
Parphanphoj, N., & Ruamchomrat, P. . (2023). Guidelines for Student Affairs Administration of School Administrators Under Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(4), 152–164. Retrieved from
Research Article


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