The Participation of Local Leaders in Promoting the Sangha Governance of Kosum Phisai District, Mahasarakham Province

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PhraPhithak Punyagamo (Phosri)
Chanchai Huadsri
Suraphon Promgun


The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the level of participation of local leaders in promoting the Sangha governance of Kosum Phisai District, Maha Sarakham Province; 2) to compare the level of participation of local leaders in promoting the Sangha governance of Kosum Phisai District; 3) to study the suggestions for the 
participation of local leaders in promoting the governance of the Sangha by applying the principles of the Four Iddhipada. This study was carried out by means of mixed-method research.  There were 231 samples and 12 key informants. The tools used in this research were a questionnaire and an interview form. The obtained data were interpreted by the social science software and contextual content analysis. 
The research results were as follows: 
1) The participation of local leaders in promoting the Sangha governance of Kosum Phisai District Maha Sarakham Province in all six aspects was statistically rated at a high level 3.74 The highest mean was seen in the aspect of governance 3.93 followed by education, propagation, educational welfare, public utility, and public welfare 3.79, 3.77, 3.69, 3.69, 3.68 respectively.
2) The comparative results of the participation of local leaders in promoting Sangha governance suggested that local leaders with different positions participated in promoting the Sangha administration differently at the statistical significance level of 0.05 and local leaders with different sex, age, and education indifferently participated in the promotion of Sangha governance. 
3) The suggestions for the participation of local leaders in promoting the governance of the Sangha by applying the principles of the Four Iddhipada were that in terms of governance, the Sangha should be encouraged to act per the Dhamma and Discipline, the law, and the regulations of the Sangha. In terms of education, the Sangha should play an important role in promoting the education of young people and people.  In terms of propagation, there should be a plan for preparing and organizing. In terms of educational welfare, the local leaders should support the management of education to make society more aware of the value of education in both secular and Dhamma cases. In terms of public utility, the Sangha should be encouraged to educate themselves on social assistance. In terms of public welfare, they should improve the landscape of the temple building to be shady.

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How to Cite
Punyagamo (Phosri), P. ., Huadsri, C. ., & Promgun, S. (2023). The Participation of Local Leaders in Promoting the Sangha Governance of Kosum Phisai District, Mahasarakham Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(4), 307–317. Retrieved from
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