The Relationship of Marketing Mix and Service Quality With Consumer Choice of Thai Traditional Clinic : A Case Study of Chanaporn Thai Traditional Clinic

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Chanaporn Rengsungnoen
Kitima Surasondhi
Trirath Pluempitichaikul


The purpose of this research is to 1) study the demographic factors that influence the decision to use services provided by Chanaporn Thai traditional medicine clinics, 
2) investigate the marketing factors that are associated with the choice to use services provided by Chanaporn Thai traditional medicine clinics, and 3) Examine the quality of services and its relationship with the decision to use services provided by Chanaporn Thai traditional medicine clinics. This is a quantitative research and the population 
consists of individuals who have used services provided by Chanaporn Thai traditional medicine clinics at least once, with a total of 440 participants. The data collection method used in this research is a questionnaire. The statistical analysis techniques employed include frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, 
independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation coefficient to test the relationships.
The research found that.
1) To study the differences in demographic factors that affect decision-making for Chanaporn Thai Medical Clinic, it was found that most of the service recipients were women aged 36-45, with a bachelor's degree in company/employee occupation with an average monthly income of 5,000-15,000 baht.
2) The study of service market factors related to the selection of Chanaporn Thai Medical Clinic found that overall and all aspects are different, and that the quality of service in all aspects is related to the decision of Chanaporn Thai Medical Clinic.
3) To study the quality of service that is related to the selection of Chanaporn Phon service at Thai Traditional Medical Clinic, it was found that all aspects have a high relationship with Chanaporn Phon service at Thai Traditional Medical Clinic, namely reliability.

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How to Cite
Rengsungnoen, C., Surasondhi, K., & Pluempitichaikul, T. . (2023). The Relationship of Marketing Mix and Service Quality With Consumer Choice of Thai Traditional Clinic : A Case Study of Chanaporn Thai Traditional Clinic. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(4), 176–188. Retrieved from
Research Article


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