Administrative Guidelines for Blended Teaching and Learning in Sankamphaeng School, Sankamphaeng District, Chiang Mai Province
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The findings of the study revealed the following:
1. The study investigated the extent to which teaching and learning management was facilitated by the online system of San Kamphaeng School, San Kamphaeng District, Chiang Mai Province. The findings indicate that the overall conditions of teaching and learning management were moderate (
2. The guidelines for managing the integrated teaching and learning management of San Kamphaeng School entailed several key elements. Firstly, students should be oriented to all important details, including learning objectives and scoring criteria. Secondly, various tools should be utilized to draw attention to the subject matter and promote critical thinking. Thirdly, students should be assessed through both online systems and regular measurement and evaluation practices. Fourthly, teachers should be trained in online teaching techniques. Fifthly, a learning guide should be prepared to assist both teachers and students. Lastly, the teaching and learning management process should be regularly supervised.
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