The Mental Health Development According to Buddhist Ethics

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PhraNatthaphon Kittipanyo (Chaidee)
Jaras Leeka
Uthai Kamolsil
Sirirattana Mungkunkot


The objectives of this research were 1) to study mental health development, 2) to study Buddhist ethics in mental health development, and 3) to analyze mental health development according to Buddhist ethics. It is a documentary research. Study primary documents from Tripitaka Secondary papers from academic papers and related research Descriptive data were analyzed according to the inductive principle.
The research results were as follows:
1. Improving Mental Health It is a change in the current social problem. that affects a person's mental health It is a serious problem and tends to become more serious.
The development of mental health is therefore very important in life. So that human beings can raise their mental level to a higher level and lead them to be mentally healthy. who can live happily in today's society
2. The principles of Buddhist ethics used in mental health development include the threefold principle, namely precepts, concentration, and wisdom, which are the principles that can be used to develop the body, mind, and wisdom in a balanced way. and the four foundations of mindfulness, namely body, feeling, mind, and dharma,
is knowing the working process of the mind. Confidence, determination, mindfulness, awareness, a good mind Always helping to think about things that are useful and bring happiness. It is the principle of prayer according to the Maha Satipatthana Sutra. It is a practice for enlightenment. is to understand as it really is without being overwhelmed by desires
3. Mental health development according to Buddhist ethics This includes applying the threefold principle to develop a good quality of life in terms of precepts, concentration, and wisdom for a perfect human being. Development must rely on the principle of right view as the mainstay. Provide development within the person who does not yet know to learn. And the practice of the four foundations of mindfulness is considered to be the development of the body, feeling, mind, dharma and intellect. enlightened with wisdom must be practiced in conjunction with the threefold principle with the ultimate goal becoming to Nirvana.

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How to Cite
Kittipanyo (Chaidee), P. ., Leeka, J., Kamolsil, U. ., & Mungkunkot, S. . (2023). The Mental Health Development According to Buddhist Ethics. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(2), 163–173. Retrieved from
Research Article


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