A Strategies Recommendations for Develop the Creative Leadership of Primary School Administrators Under the Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area Office 4

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Pornpradit Phanthukul
Dawruwan Thawinkarn


These policy research aims to purpose create and validate the policy recommendations for develop the creative leadership of primary school administrators under the Khon Kaen primary education service area office 4. The research methodology was divided into 2 phases. The first phase was studies to create the policy recommendations for develop the creative leadership of primary school administrators under the Khon Kaen primary education service area office 4, by documents analysis, and in-depth interviewing 3 experts, which made the draft of the policy recommendations for develop the creative leadership of primary school administrators under the Khon Kaen primary education service area office 4. The second phase was the verification of the recommended policy for develop the creative leadership of primary school administrators under the Khon Kaen primary education service area office 4, by 3 experts to assess the propriety, feasibility and utility. The study revealed that the policy recommendations components for develop the creative leadership of primary school administrators under the Khon Kaen primary education service area office 4, in terms of an Imagination, Flexibility, Vision and Creative of the framework for developing the creative leadership of administrators under the Khon Kaen primary education service area office 4. Flexibility, Vision, Imagination, and Creative are propriety, feasibility and utility of policy recommendations located at the high level.


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How to Cite
Phanthukul, P., & Thawinkarn, D. . (2023). A Strategies Recommendations for Develop the Creative Leadership of Primary School Administrators Under the Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area Office 4. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(2), 74–87. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/262262
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