Participation of community leaders in drug prevention and solution at Kalasin Municipality of Kalasin Province

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PhraKrisada Dhammasaro (Saravit)
Chanchai Huadsri
Somkhuan Namseethan


 The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to study the level of participation of community leaders in preventing and solving drug problems in Kalasin municipality; 2) to compare the participation of community leaders in preventing and solving drug problems in Kalasin municipality and 3) to apply the Four Iddhipada principle with the participation of community leaders in preventing and solving drug problems in Kalasin municipality, Kalasin Province. The sample group included 396 community leaders in Kalasin municipality and 12 key informants. The research tools were a questionnaire and an interview form. The obtained data were analyzed using social science software packages and contextual content analysis.
The research results were as follows:
1) The levels of participation of community leaders in preventing and solving drug problems in Kalasin municipality from both overall and aspect perspectives were statistically rated at a high level.
2) The comparison of the level of behavioral participation of community leaders in the prevention and solution of drug problems in Kalasin municipality found that the samples with differences in age, education level, occupation, and average monthly income overall participate in the prevention and solution of drug problems in Kalasin Municipality differently with a statistical significance level of 0.05. The samples with different genders indifferently participate in the prevention and solution of drug problems in Kalasin Municipality.
3) The Result apply the Four Iddhipada principle with the participation of community leaders in preventing and solving drug problems in Kalasin municipality
(1) Chanda: a decision to create job satisfaction and wish to do more; (2) Viriya: diligence, perseverance, implementation of the plan; (3) Citta: cause-finding, willingness to fight without giving up on problems or obstacles; (4) Vimamsa: assessment, knowing how to use wisdom, use thoughtful consideration in all aspects of work to achieve the goal.

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How to Cite
Dhammasaro (Saravit), P. ., Huadsri, C. ., & Namseethan, S. . (2023). Participation of community leaders in drug prevention and solution at Kalasin Municipality of Kalasin Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(4), 332–342. Retrieved from
Research Article


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